Where it Began

Why Traditional Foods? Because of Weston A. Price, Sally Fallon, and the like. And because it feels right. I had done a school report on raw milk for college a year or two ago, but other than that hadn’t done anything else learning-wise as far as “traditional foods”. I knew a bit about Weston Price and a little bit about his foundation. I knew raw milk was illegal in a lot of places to sell, and that was about it. Fast forward to fall of last year when I started the MamaMuse (un)Midwifery Mentorship with Krista Arias. She teaches two other programs, Lazy Lady Living and Folklore Foods which we were given access to through the Mentorship program. After the first Folklore Foods class I was hooked. LLL includes some things on WAP and Ms. Fallon but is more focused on permaculture (it’s a Permaculture Design Certification program if anyone is interested) whereas the Folklore Foods class focuses solely on traditional foods and their preparation methods and is based on Sally Fallon’s book, Nourishing Traditions.

First thing I have to say, is this stuff is amazing. It feels so good to be able to make real, nourishing, traditional foods. And it feels even better to then be able to eat it, and really enjoy how it makes you feel– the feeling of success, of pride, of health, and of feeling connected to a line of people thousands of years in the making.

So what is all this hullabaloo about “traditional foods”? Is this another Paleo diet fad? No. And that’s the awesome part. It’s not about “vegetarian” or “paleo” or “gluten-free, soy-free, additives-free.” It’s not about trying to fit into the latest diet fad. As Sally Fallon puts it, traditional foods go against what the “Diet Dictocrats” would have us do otherwise. They are foods and a way of eating that traditional peoples from all over the world have shared in common for thousands of years that guaranteed their health, fertility, and longevity. This way of eating takes you one step further past “local/free range/organic whole foods” without additives, packaging, etc. Traditional cooking methods enhance the nutrients of the food, and increase the digestability (grains anyone?). I will share more on these in later posts. I would like to recommend looking up some Sally Fallon videos on Youtube, and getting her book Nourishing Traditions. Also checkout MamaMuse 🙂