Haymaker’s Oat Water

I apologize for seemingly having dropped off the face of the planet. I assure you I’m still here, just been rather busy unfortunately. And to be honest, I haven’t been doing much of anything in regards to “good, traditional eating”. And I feel crappy for it. I’ve been eating way more refined grains (mostly cereal), barely any fruit, and almost no vegetables. Trying to turn back around, keep up with my daily fermented cod liver oil and butter oil (which is really hard for some reason to remember to take it), and I need to get exercising again. Oh, and I’ve also been on edge about my gallbladder health, so I may be sharing some information in regards to that as I find it. I also started my first ever batch of kombucha, which I’ll make a post on that when I get a chance.

What I wanted to share with you now is oat water. I soaked about 3 cups of oats last night for breakfast and granola, and had about a cup’s worth of soaking-water left over come today. Well, not liking to waste things that can be used, I wanted to see what I could find to do with it. I thought about an oat-drink of some kind, and checked my Nourishing Traditions book (by Sally Fallon). Sure enough under “Beverages” was a recipe for “Haymaker’s Oat Water”. since I already had my soaking-water (I used whey for the oats), I just kind of eyeballed it ingredients-wise which is what I normally do.

Why oat-water? I’m not positive as I haven’t researched it, but I’m pretty sure that some of the nutrients from the oats (plus some of the whey from soaking, unless you use something else) goes into the “water”, so you’re getting all the nutrients instead of just eating the oats as porridge or granola. Plus you’re not wasting anything 🙂

Haymaker’s Oat Water [Her recipe]
Makes 1 gallon
1 gallon filtered water
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup lemon juice or raw apple cider vinegar
1 cup molasses (optional)

~Mix all ingredients and keep at room temperature several hours or overnight, stirring occasionally.
**It doesn’t say to strain out the oats or not, or what to do with it afterwards.

My Version of Haymaker’s Oat Water
3-ish cups rolled oats
3-ish cups of water
4-6 Tbsp of whey (made from raw milk)
3/4 cup molasses

I soaked my oats-water-whey mixture overnight, scooped out a cup of oats for breakfast porridge, and then strained the rest of the oats. The leftover 2-ish cups of oats went into my dehydrator (I’ll be making granola). I had about 1 cup of liquid (a yellowish-grey color) left over. I put it on the stove and added the molasses, heating it just to dissolve the molasses. I noticed some particles had risen to the top so I strained the liquid. At this point it was a brownish-grey color. I then took a 3 qt filtered water jug with a screw-on lid and filled it about half-way with cold water, then poured in the molasses-oat water mix, then added a bit more water and shook it some. It tastes just like molasses, but watered-down. You could drink it like this, but I poured a bit in a jar and then added more water to it and drink it like that. This would make it last a bit longer. If you didn’t add the molasses, it would probably taste pretty bland, like watered down unflavored oatmeal. So it’s up to you on how much sweetener you want to use. You could probably use rapadura, honey, or any other natural sweetener, but I really like the molasses taste.

Happy drinking!

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